East Mids SBTC Limit Show 29/1/17
Judge Mrs Debbie Saunt
It was my pleasure to judge for the club I have served as a committee member of for several years, top notch organizing as always , the room was busy and a lovely atmosphere I thought. Big thanks to my stewards Terri Morrell and Mason Coleman for keeping the classes ticking over nicely. Enjoyed the day immensely and thank you to everyone that attended as the weather wasn’t great to start off with.
1st Little Earthquakes Power Strike at Waystaff
Stood alone in his class, striking brindle boy of 7 months and looking the baby he still is. Nice expression, lovely dark eye, good muzzle strength but clean. Correct
nice big teeth. All about him shows he is growing but still retaining balance. Good bone and shoulder line, level top line, nice rear angulations, moved straight and well.
1st Homafar Last Chance
BB 9 month old, standard size and clean outline, lovely head developing, lovely dark eye and neat ear set. Correct length of muzzle and correct big teeth. Ample front and good bone, in profile shows balance and good top line. He’s maturing lovely. Moved and handled like a pro.
2nd Jolihem Stand By me
All white boy of 11 months, different style to 1st, nice expression with lovely dark eyes and good ear set correct muzzle and teeth. Strong good front and bone with very neat feet, in profile short and compact but good angulations throughout, moved well
3rd Marvels Top Secret
1st Rubericla Trailbreaker
That old cliché of he took me eye entering the ring, well he did indeed, all that I look for he possessed and at just over12 months age a lot more to come. Shining black brindle, lovely expression, neat small ears, clean correct muzzle and good bite. Loved him in profile as perfectly balanced. Good bone and marvellous feet and moved with purpose. Handled extremely well, needless to say he went on to win to further 2 more classes and RBD. Lovely boy
2nd Powerpack Back To Black
BB standard boy of 15 months, nice expression and good ear set, correct muzzle and teeth, I did say unlucky to meet 1 today, don’t particularly like when a judge says that, but in this case it was very true. Slightly more narrow in the front. Good shoulder line and level top line, and rear angulations, moved a bit erratic but was to settle in follow on classes.
1st Rubericla Trailbreaker
2nd Manark Black prince
Strong compact brindle boy, powerful head but clean tight lips and good teeth. Small neat ears and good front , shorter than 1st and nice wide front on top of excellent feet. And I liked his angulations as all correct for the style of dog he is. He moved really well once he settled.
3rd Powerpack Back To Black
1st Rubericla Trailbreaker
2nd Powerpack Back to Black
1st Taraiel Darth Vader
Top size brindle boy who I have judged before, nice expression lovely dark eye, clean muzzle and good teeth. Marvellous front on him and in profile has a cracking shoulder line and top line leading to good rear angulations. Moves with drive and purpose, won the class with ease.
2nd Biggleswick Splash Of Ginge
True red boy with white front, has a lovely expression and chiselled head, good muzzle length and good teeth. Perfect ears, strong true front and feet. In profile good angulations throughout with strong rear quarters. Moved really well and handled to perfection.
3rd Dejablues Destiny Prince
1st Illori Akinlana JW
Have judged this boy before but boy he has come on a lot since April last year. Lovely expression and correct muzzle strength and housing big correct teeth. Best of fronts and feet, fabulous in profile, particularly his good shoulder line and the correct amount of depth for me. Good top line and strong rear quarters. Moved extremely well and was really pleased to award him Best Dog.
2nd Fergiestaffs Olympic Flame
Handsome red boy with white chest, very standard, lovely expression and clean correct muzzle and good teeth. Smart straight front with plenty of depth, good feet. In profile short and compact level top line and nice angulations throughout. Moved very well.
3rd Smokemonts Back to Black
1st Illori Akinlana JW
Easy class for him to win LOL
1st Stormfire Crack The code At waystaff
Pretty red and white girl of 10 months of age, lovely head, gorgeous dark eye and expression. Correct muzzle and teeth. Her front is neat and straight with good depth. In profile a pleasure to look at and at this point I was prepared to steal her. Excellent shoulder and top line with nice rear quarters. She moved as I expected straight and true. Later to win best puppy.
2nd Jolihem Sugar Pie
And a Sugar pie she is, small red girl with white front, pretty headed and correct muzzle and teeth. Ample front and depth and in profile short and compact with good top line, and strong rear quarters. She moved easily and effortlessly.
3rd Jolihem Sugar Bunch Litter sister to 2nd
1st Tusselstaff Black Diamond
Yep definitely a little Gem BB just 13 months of age, very classical look and neat in every way. Lovely head, correct clean muzzle, the darkest of eyes and neat ear set. Lovely straight front on the best of feet. Loved her in profile and plenty still to come, proper balance for me. Moved with ease. Bright shiny future I’m sure
2nd Powerpack Cherokee JW
Another BB girl of class, slightly stronger in the head than 1st place. Nice expression and good strength of muzzle, good teeth and neat ear set. Would of preferred a little more front, lovely bone and feet. In profile has a good shoulder and top line and excellent rear angulations. Moved well
3rd Ginstean Second Chance For Ynysstaff
1st Rubericla Little Elita One
Stood alone in this class, smart BB with lovely head, she has a strong but feminine expression, Good clean Muzzle and good teeth and lovely ear set. Straight good front, bone and nice feet. In profile level top line and good shoulder, I would prefer a little more rear angulation but it doesn’t take away her overall balance. Moved well.
1st Nickayne Uptown Girl
BB, I have watched this lovely young bitch go from strength to strength, most glorious of heads. Big dark eyes and clean muzzle, big teeth and neat ear set. Smart front and excellent feet. In profile she ticks all the boxes and over all is a lovely blend of bull and terrier. Moved effortlessly up and down the mat and I was delighted to give her Best Bitch. Got to be her year.
2nd Smokemonts Sweet Poison
Big girl but correct , clean head and lovely expression, has clean tight lips and huge teeth. Good wide front and maybe carrying those extra lbs, huge rib but her profile shows her great shoulder and top line and ample rear quarters . She glides up and down the mat with ease.
3rd Rubericla Little Elita One
1st Carranstaff Jean genie
BB with white chest , very pretty girl, correct muzzle strength and correct teeth, lovely expression and ear set. Good front and feet and in profile she has perfect balance and quality. Another I could take home and she moved with ease. I would later award her RBB
2nd Smokemonts Sweet Poison
3rd Lackle Oiche Erie for Powerpack
1st Biggleswick Fifty Fifty JW
Rich red girl who I have seen many times. Pretty headed and real quality, a lovely expression and extremely clean. Correct muzzle and teeth, darkest of eyes and lovely ear set. Straight correct front and good feet. In profile she shows balance with a lovely shoulder and top line and good rear angulations and my ideal idea of a red. Moved great.
2nd Jefmor Winter solstice For Druidhawk
Another pretty brindle girl who I have admired, and not enough 1st places to award today. Lovely expression, correct muzzle strength and teeth, big dark eyes and good ear set. Ample front, just preferred the front of 1st and good feet. In profile she has a lovely shoulder and top line and good rear quarters. moved really well.
3rd Taraiel Lorde JW
She deserves a mention as she is a real quality bitch, gorgeous head and very striking with fantastic pigment as she has black nails on white feet. And on another day she would swap places easily.
1st Pitstars Pure Poison At Smokemonts
Stood alone, good substance bitch still showing quality as well as lots of lbs from good living. Good expression and correct muzzle strength, huge teeth and a lovely dark eye. Strong front with plenty of depth and she has passed on her huge rib to her daughter Sweet Poison. Excellent top line with a powerful rear quarter and she moved with drive.
Longdrive Beony Girl At Zacabelz
Remember this lovely girl, BB with white front, now 8 years of age and still shining. Her owner says she isn’t as fit as normal but she wasn’t carrying any extra. She actually goes back to Alport so such a delight to see a fit and healthy Vet. Lovely expression, very clean muzzle and big teeth. Good eye and ear set, best of fronts and in profile a great shoulder line and top line with strong rear quarters. Moved fabulously.
Hopefully no spelling mistakes on dogs names