Champ Show 2017 Bitches Critique


My first thanks go to the East Midlands Club for the invitation to judge their lovely show, My 2nd goes to the exhibitors for bringing their dogs to show under me, next the charming ring stewards Mr Frank Reeder and Mr Peter Rhodes Thank you to the photographer, thank you one and all I also have to say what a true gentelman my co judge Mr Harry Robinson is, it was my pleasure to judge with you Sir.

I was very pleased to see all my place winners moved with the correct tail set, I only had two with converging canines,much improved from the last time I judged.

We still have variences in type and movment we also have some thin flat feet and still some short sternums.

I have been told I made a mistake and having watched a video I most certainly did. I am so sorry and  if I judge in future I will be more precise with calling places. Sian Hammonds bitch should have been 4 th not 5th I can’t apologise enough.

Overall, in complete agreement with my co judge, the Bitches had the upper hand on the day with Best in show Best Puppy and Best Veteran all going to the bitches

Bitch CC and best in show was No 78

Mr P Gable’s Hocus Pocus Of Spirit-Staff. This is the one I would take home today, she is a lovely Mahogany brindle with a beautiful head shape, she has dark, round, expressive eyes and she looks you square in the eye,  lovely thin rose ears, which were always up framing her  expression she has large well placed teeth in a  correct scissor bite, she has a strong underjaw she has enough neck with well laid shoulders, good forechest and length of rib, she is short coupled, with a level topline and correct tail set, she has strong hind quarters and she moved with ease and drive, everything was where it should be for me today to make her my CC winner and in agreement with my Co judge Mr Harry Robinson best in show . Congratulations.

RCC Mr P T &Mrs E A Stanways No 204 CH Mosstrooper Making Mischief At Waystaff JW (IMP AUS) White with red pied who is taller and longer than CC winner, she has lovely dark round eyes and a clean strong bite she has a clean lipped foreface and a nice front with forechest and  correct lengh of rib, she has a nice bend of stifle and she is in  fit hard condition and moved with drive with correct tail set.My CC winner had better shaped thinner ears. congratulations

Best Veteran bitch and best Veteran in show No 96. Miss S Hirst & Miss J Bibby’s Ch Taraiel Ciara, JW Sh CM. I Can’t believe she is a Veteran, at 7 years young she’s in sparkling condition, she has a very nice head shape with correct scissor bite,she has dark round eyes with neat thin rose ears, her neck flows into well placed shoulders with lovely bone her feet are well padded with black pigment, she is short coupled and she moved well both going and coming back, her tail set is correct she is a credit to her owners. Congratulations.

Best Puppy bitch and  best puppy in show was no 176 Mr J & Mrs C Rodgers Berrystock Miss Spitfire, litter sister to the best dog puppy. B/B who has a very nice expression with a with dark eye and large white teeth, she has a good front and shoulder placement she has strong ribs and is short coupled she held her topline on the move which she did very well both ways she has well padded feet dark nails and enough weight of bone, she has a lovely outline when viewed from any angle  both lovely pups congratulations to their breeder .

class 11 vet bitch 31 entries 23 absent

1st see above

2nd Mr V & Miss J Desmazes & Paronneau Silver Cross Elvira Dark Profile  B/B She has a very nice head shape,with dark eyes and good bite  at 8 years young she’s in excellent condition with good muscle tone, she just didnt move as well in front as first, she has good pigment  and good angulation

3rd Pendlestaff Brindle Babe of Tikkurilan. A 7 years young Top size lady who is also in excellent condition, she strutted her stuff well on the move, she has a good head neat ears and good bite she has the best of feet just prefared the overall outline of 1 & 2 today

Minor Puppy Bitch 15 entries 2 abs

1st Dickenson & Stewart Mr S & Mrs T Miss A & Miss R  Seven month old Brindle who was a little mean with showing  her ears today, she has a good head shape with dark eyes and well set teeth  is a nice shape with good rib she has a good bend of stifle and she moved alright for a baby she has a correct tail set .

2nd  Desmazes & Paronneau Mr V & Miss J Vangerbull Milk And Fire. Lovely bright red pup with dark well placed eyes good stop and nice big teeth,she has a enough  neck with well placed shoulders she kept her topline and has good hind angulation .1st has better smaller ears at the moment ..

3rd Rily & Corcoran Mrs M & Miss M Molru Shine Ya Light A strong top size B/B who has dark eyes and neat ears and good teeth, she has a short neck with good shoulder placement and good bone, she is not as angulated as 1 & 2 she has neater ears  than 2 but preferred the better angulation on 2 .

Puppy B 7 entries 0 abs

1st see above

2nd  Saunt Mr S & Mrs D Moonlight Shimmer Of Darklands B/B Not as strong all over as 1st, she has dark eyes with good foreface and teeth she has and nice neck with good bone and lovely feet, she has  black nails, she moved well I prefared the size and rib on 1 today.

3rd Desmond Mrs D L & Mr A J Elitebull Moonbeam A lot to like about this pup, she has coal black eyes with good foreface and rise to her scull she has a short neck and nice shoulders depth and length to her brisket not a lot between any of them and I am sure places will change around as they move up the classes nice pups ..

Jnr Bitch 13 entries 2abs

1st Jackon Mr W & Mrs K Jakabyte Miss Moneypenny, B/B She has a good head with correct bite, clean muzzle dark eyes, she has a  short neck and  has a well laid shoulder, correct front and lovely rib she is short coupled and has  well muscled hind quarters, she moved well both ways she won this over second on her fitness and muscle tone

2nd Mcdermontt & Bernhardsson G & EKing’s & Queen’s Over The Moon B/B She has a dark eye with neat ears and good bite,she has a clean foreface, her neck is short and fits well into her shoulders, she is short coupled she has good bone and well padded  feet and correct rib.

3rd StudleyMr P Mrs J & Miss N. Studstaff Patronus Charm, Brindle pied she is  bigger all over than first 2, she has a good expression with correct bite and dark round eyes, nice neck and topline, she has good bone and rib she moved well but could be a bit fitter.

Special yearling bitch 16 entries 1 abs.

1st Lahodova Mrs S, Aschley 111 Fransimo Bohemia, Mahogany brindle with a lovely clean foreface, she has large teeth correctly set, she has a dark eye and neat ears with good strong short neck and correct shoulders she has good length and depth of brisket, she is short coupled she moved well both ways  and has good muscle tone on her hind quarters with correct tail set .

2nd V D Meer Metzlar Mrs J Frisian Staffs Higher Than Hope. B/B who is finer all over than the winner,she has  a better rise to her scull, she is in fit hard condition and her coat gleamed, she has a dark eye with well placed teeth her ears are well placed and her neck is short and fits well into her shoulders she doesen’t have the rib of one but she does have the fitness she has good feet, is short, and moves well .

3rd Stanway Mr P T & Mrs E A Stormfire Crack The Code At Waystaff, White with red Pied with dark eyes, good bite, good bone ,Preferred the ears of 1&2 ..

Maden Bitch 4 entries  3 seen

1st Heron Miss D Dilirystaff  Devious Spirit, White and red pied who is top size with a nice head shape and dark eyes, she has well placed teeth, she has a clean foreface and clean lips  she has  enough forechest with nice well padded feet good bone and moved with correct tail set .

2nd Fairhurst Mr S & Mrs M . Kings Of Odin Queen Of Darkness.  B/B she has dark eyes and good teeth she has enough neck, good bone and feet  with dark pigment. I preferred the shape of 1s head today.

3rd Zuranova I Vivien Rose Eilatan  B/B who is strong headed with dark eyes and good rise to her scull she has good rib and forechest she has good bone and pigment. I would prefer a cleaner foreface and neater ears.

Novice 7 entries 1 abs and 4 seen.

1st Beesley Mrs L S  Maxstaff Miss Whizz, Deep red whose coat shone, she is in fit and hard condition, she has dark round eyes and black mask her teeth are correct and she has a clean foreface, she has a good neck and shoulders and forechest she has enough rib and is short coupled with great muscle tone on her hind quarters, she moved well with correct tail set.

2nd  Mayren Mr A & Mrs L.  Joemikeste Queen Of The Nile At Fergiestaffs White with red pied she has a good head with nice rise to her scull she has dark well set round eyes and good bite she has a lovely expression with nice neck and shoulders she is short coupled and her feet turn out at the pastern she is well ribbed and short coupled perferred 1st forechest.

3rd Waltham Mr S &Mrs K Dringshaw. Boule De Neigh Now heres a bitch thats very difficult to assess on the move, stood she is a very attractive girl but moving, she is all over the place, she has a lovely head shape with coal black eyes, she is a  big strong girl who lets herself down on the move

Post Graduate 16 entries 1 abs

1st Aschley 111 Fransimo Bohemia  see special yearling

2nd Norton Mr T & Mrs ETikkurilian Lucky Stike, Brindle who is as fit as a flea, she has a nice head shape with dark round eyes and big well placed teeth, she has a good front with depth and length to her brisket, she has good rib and is short coupled well muscled hind quarters and correct tail 1 beat her on her neater ears

3rd Glassbrook & Rhodes Mr R & Miss S  Rhoglass Megamillion, smaller and narrower bitch than first two she has a nice shaped head with dark round eye with neat ears and good bite she was in gleaming coat with enough rib she has  good tight well pigmented nails and feet.

Limit 14 entries 2 abs

1st CC & best in show Gabel Mr P  Hocus Pocus Of Spirit-staff’s see above

2nd Butler Mr D & Mrs V Joemikeste Play The Game B/B she has a feminine head and dark round well set eyes, well placed ears, she has a clean foreface good neck of adequate length and a level top line,she is in fit condition which showed in her strong hindquarters .

3rd Scotland’s R W &Mrs M A Callastaff Moon River JW Stronger bitch than 1&2 she has dark round eyes with good bite she has neat ears and neck she has good rib and forchest she is short coupled and has well muscled hind quarters 1& 2 have a cleaner foreface.

Open Bitch 20 entries 4 abs

1st Stanway MR P T & Mrs E A Ch Mosstrooper Making Mischief At Waystaff JW (IMP AUS) See Above

 2nd Bullhawk Jessie Jay At Northstaff B/B she is a strong fit bitch with good eye set which are dark and round her ears are neat and thin she has a nice expression her neck fits nicely into her shoulders and she has a good topline which she held on the move with correct tail set, she was 2nd to a bitch with a better bend of stifle .

3rd Byrne & Cartland Mr A & MS C Ch Carandstaff Moondance B/B who is a bitch in lovely condition and has a lovely round dark eye and expression she has a correct bite and good underjaw she has well placed ears which she used, she has a level topline and she moved  on well padded feet.

Thank you all for bringing your lovely bitches for me to judge.

Best wishes
